2016 Lifetime Achievement Awards Dane Cervine And Phil Crandall
The California Mental Health Advocates for Children and Youth membership is recognizing Dane Cervine and Phillip Crandall for their lifetime commitment to California’s youth.
Dane Cervine
Dane Cervine served as Chief of Children’s Mental Health for the County of Santa Cruz for many years, retiring in 2015. He is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and poet.
Dane is awarded the lifetime achievement award in recognition of his enthusiastic, dedicated and exceptional leadership as a state wide champion of services for children, youth, and their families.
Phil Crandall
Phillip Crandall served as the Director of Health and Human Services for Humboldt County for 15 years, retiring in early 2016.
Phil is awarded the lifetime achievement award for his dedication to youth and their families, and for his leadership, innovation, and collaboration on multiple statewide initiatives impacting youth and family members.
Please join us in recognizing the leadership of Dane and Phil as they receive their awards at the CMHACY conference on Wednesday, May 11th, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Merrill Hall.
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