Month: September 2016
As we come to the end of Suicide Prevention Month, Governor Brown signed in to law Assembly Bill 2246 (O’Donnell) to mandate that districts with students in grades 7 to 12 adopt suicide prevention policies. While districts were previously encouraged to develop suicide prevention policies, this bill will ensure that district governing boards adopt policies to prevent suicides. According to data from…
Read MorePathways to accessing Substance Use Disorder Services and Supports Individuals, parents, family, friends and coworkers often ask “How can I get into treatment?” or “How can I get John/Jane into treatment?” After providing publicly and commercially funded substance use disorder (SUD) services for decades within California, why isn’t the answer to this question as well…
Read MoreYouth Suicide In Schools, Mental Health Should Be Everyone’s Responsibility Background In the last decade, suicide has jumped from being the third to the second leading cause of death for youth between 10 and 24 year olds. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention reports that approximately 4,600 lives are lost each year—and that…
Read MoreLast month our blog returned to the topic of children’s mental health crisis services. This week’s blog will continue our focus on this important part of the continuum of mental health care for children, youth, and families. Grant Funding Dedicated to Expanding Local Crisis Resources for Children and Families Citing reports which called to attention…
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