Parents and Caregivers for Wellness

Parents and caregivers play a critical role in supporting children’s and youth’s health and well-being. And yet, they often face immense challenges in navigating California’s mental health system and accessing quality treatment and supports for kids in their care.

To address these challenges, United Parents and its partners launched Parents and Caregivers for Wellness—a collaborative project to strengthen the voice of parents and caregivers and improve services and supports for families.

Project partners consist of parent and caregiver-run organizations and legal advocates for youth from across California, including California Alliance of Caregivers, California Mental Health Advocates for Children and Youth (CMHACY), Capital Adoptive Families Alliance, Children’s Law Center of California (CLC), East Bay Children’s Law Offices (EBCLO), and Young Minds Advocacy.

Parents and Caregivers for Wellness provides a variety of activities to parents and caregivers, as well as to those who provide supports and services to them and their children. Activities include:

  • Community engagement and education campaigns
  • Training for parents and caregivers and those who support them
  • Local and statewide advocacyJoin Us

    We believe that parents and caregivers of children and youth with mental health conditions are the best resource we have to identify strengths and needs of California’s families. For more information about how to get involved, contact Melissa Hannah at You can also join our email list at

    Parents and Caregivers for Wellness is funded by the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC). Enacted in 2004, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) supports innovative mental health services, mental health treatment, prevention and early intervention, education and training to people of all ages affected by mental illness throughout California. Learn more at

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