Learn More About Proposition 1 and it’s Impact on the Mental Health Services Act
Proposition 1 is a two-part ballot initiative focused on California’s behavioral health service system. This measure includes two significant components:
- A $6.4B general obligation bond that would provide funding for behavioral health treatment and residential facilities as well as increase housing/supports for individuals at risk of or experiencing homelessness with behavioral health challenges.
- A proposal to amend the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) including changes to how funds are distributed at the state and local level as well as how those funds can be spent.
With any significant change in system funding comes a possible shift in service delivery and focus. Prop. 1 will impact both state and local level services and programming and while there is a lot of information available for voters, the CMHACY Board would like to share the following resources, many of which were gathered by our friends at the California Alliance:
- Informational Webinar on Proposition 1 – Children Now, California Alliance, First 5, the Children’s Partnership
- Analysis of Proposition 1 – Legislative Analyst’s Office
- Understanding Proposition 1: Implications for Californians and the State’s Behavioral Health System – California Budget and Policy Center
- Endorsement: Yes on Proposition 1, a modest step forward on mental health care – Los Angeles Times
- Recauda Gobernador millones para iniciativa de salud mental – CalMatters
- La Proposición 1 y las personas sin hogar – CalMatters
- Letters: Here’s how Prop. 1 will hurt mental health care, which the Chronicle’s endorsement ignores – San Francisco Chronicle
- VOTE NO on Prop 1: Mental Health Care and Addiction Treatment Reform & Bonds to Build Places for Treatment and Supportive Housing – League of Women Voters
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